Area Schools

Pequot Lakes
District: 568-4996
Elementary: 568-9206
Middle Level: 568-9357
High School: 568-9210
Community Ed: 568-9200

Pine River / Backus
Our mission is to inspire life-long learners in pursuing their dreams and becoming responsible, productive citizens through a partnership of families, educators and communities committed to excellence.

Our goal is to provide accurate, timely information about who we are and what we do. We invite you to browse through the categories on the tabs above and to the left to find a wealth of information that is meant to be both informative and helpful.

Crosslake Community School
Crosslake Community School is a K-8 public charter school. Our 110 (students) to 19 (adults with daily student contact) ratio is part of our Vision, "small class sizes, and a safe, nurturing environment." Crosslake Community School is a community based, multi-aged environment utilizing community resources and differentiated instruction to develop citizenship and life-long learning.

Emily Charter
The Emily Charter School mission is to provide educational programming that will allow each student to reach his/her full potential; to be self-directed learners, team players, critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, conscientious and responsible citizens.

Really good educational site for elementary kids.

Located on the Cuyuna Range, which is within Crow Wing County in the heart of Minnesota's lake country. Three educational campuses: High School, Range Area Alternative Program, and Cuyuna Range Elementary School.

"We believe everyone can learn and experience success."

The elementary grade curriculum consists of basic subject matter. In addition, a variety of compensatory programs are offered. These programs include Chapter I Reading and Math, Mildly Mentally Handicapped (MMH), Learning Disabled (LD), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD), Adaptive Physical Education (ADPE) and Speech. Other special education services are available through the Paul Bunyan Cooperative.
Senior high courses are organized on the semester plan. In addition to meeting or exceeding all State requirements, the curriculum offers the student a wide range of electives. A variety of extracurricular activities is also available for those who wish to participate.